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January Prayer 🙏🏾

Updated: Mar 17

Date: 1/14/2024

Time: 8:00 am

Song: Feel by Kendrick Lamar

Hi Friends,

I want to share a prayer for January with you:

Dear God,

Thank you for a new year and a new month.

Thank you for being so awesome.

Thank you for Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Please guide us each day and order our steps. Allow us to always be at the right place at the right time.

Bless us with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment to make the right decisions.

Please bring the right people into our lives.

Please protect us and our families from all hurt, harm, and danger.

Please bless us with abundance and increase in this new year, and bless us with the wisdom to keep and multiply it.

Please bless us to accomplish your will and purpose for our lives.

Please help us to submit to your will for our lives.

Please let us delight ourselves in you, so that you can give us the desires of our hearts.

Please keep us from all evil.

Be with us to be humble and meek.

Be with us to trust you and not lean on our own understanding.

Please give us a pure heart and mind.

Please bless those who are sick and shut in. Please restore their health and strength.

Please bless the bereaved. Please comfort them and give them what they need.

Please keep us all healthy.

Please bless our finances.

Please bless our homes.

Please don't let us take you or your blessings for granted.

Please bless the homeless with what they need. Please bless the widows and orphans with what they need.

Please bless us all with what we need. We love you.

In Jesus name I pray,



Dr. Rich 💋

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