Date: 1/9/2022
Time: 10:20 am
Song: Spaceships by Kanye West
Hi Friends!
I’m excited to share that I will soon be releasing my first novel in the Summer of 2022!
The excitement that I feel is an understatement.
These books are a long time coming!
God gave me the idea for the first book in 2006 when I was in college. But, I didn’t sit down and actually write the book until 2018. This was after I graduated from college and dental school and began working as a dentist. During that time, I was focused on building my career. But, even with that, I was always drawn back to writing.
After three years of writing and editing the book, it is finally finished and ready to be released into the world.
I can’t wait to share it with you!
I have put my heart and soul into these books. And I believe that it will enrich your life!
Initially, I planned to release the book in 2020. But, as you all know, the world shut down, which halted my plans.
I was disappointed at first. But, being stuck at home gave me time to write even more.
It’s crazy to think about how many words I’ve written over the past couple of years!
Starting out, I only wanted to write one book. But, I feel like God had different plans because I began to get other ideas for other books during the quarantine, and I got to work writing those.
This is how my book series, The Savior Series, was born.
The first series will be released this year, and the others will be released in 2023 and 2024.
I am not a “trained” writer, so writing, editing, and self-publishing my novels was a long process. I have learned so much over these last couple of years.
I can identify with Kanye West in the song, Spaceships when he said, “Lock yourself in a room doing five beats a day for three summers. That’s a different world like Cree Summers. I deserve to do these numbers.”
I have been locked in my house, writing these books for the past three years. I had to stay at home a lot and say no to many things to take the time, focus, and dedication that it took to get these books done. But, I thank God for giving me the ideas, ability, strength, and mindset to do it.
It hasn’t always been easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love writing. It’s one of my passions.
I truly love creating stories that help people. And I feel like the world needs my books!
I hope and pray that you take the time to read my stories. I hope that they inspire you, challenge you, and make your world happier, as they did mine.
Until next time….
May God Richly Bless You,
Dr. Rich